Thursday, 15 December 2011

Understanding The History of the Law of Attraction

Before we go too deep into the modern applications of the law of attraction it is important that you understand that this is not simply New Age nonsense (most descriptions of the law of attraction refer to it as a product of a New Age Mentality). The principles of the law of attraction date back far beyond the new found popularity of the New Age.

The immortal Buddha was actually one of the first to introduce man to the law of attraction. He said, “What you have become is what you have thought.” This was a principle that the people of the east were acquainted with for centuries before it began to sweep into the western hemisphere.

The concept of karma also may have drawn its roots from the law of attraction. Karma states that you will eventually be revisited by that which you have sent out into the universe. If you have practiced kindness and compassion you will receive in kind. If you have been deliberately cruel to another you will receive back into your life that cruelty which you have sent out. Your actions and thoughts morph into physical entities, causing the universe to react in kind.

The law of attraction began to gain popularity in the western hemisphere in the 19th century, as people began to appreciate the power of positive thinking and apply it to their life. This new concept was first introduced to the general public by William Walker Atkinson, the editor of New Thought magazine, who published a book called Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World in 1906.

As you can see, the law of attraction is not new. The concept that thought can have a predominate affect on the course of a man’s destiny has been taught by wise men throughout the ages, and has given rise to a whole new era of beliefs. Ultimately, it still bound down to the concept of using your power of mind to achieve your goals!

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Friday, 9 December 2011

Achieving Goals Using Your Power Of Mind!

Are you finding difficulties in achieving goals that you have set for yourself? If your answer is yes, then chances are you are not harnessing your power of mind. If you have learnt how to work your mind power to its fullest potential, you will be able to achieve your goals, however wild your dreams may seem. So how do you unleash your mind powers and make it work to your advantage? In this article, you will learn 5 tips to help you achieve that aim.

1. Positive Thinking

If you are keen in achieving goals using your power of mind, you have to ensure that you only allow positive thoughts in your mind. I know you will say that it is easier said than done because even optimists will have their fair share of unhappy moments. However, the least that you can do is to make an attempt to drive the negative thoughts out whenever they creep into your mind.

Negative thoughts will only cause you harm as you will become very unmotivated for the whole day if you entertain negative thoughts in your mind. The numerous problems weighing down on your shoulder will cause you to think of how incapable you are and you will not achieve anything at the end of the day.

2. Keeping An Open Mind

There are many individuals who depend greatly on their five senses. What this means is that they do not believe in things that do not fit into the boundaries of what their five senses can pick up. However, these individuals do not realize that they are in fact restricting their mind power. In order to set your mind free so as to achieve more success via your power of mind, you have to keep an open mind.

You must learn to accept that things that happen do not necessarily have to fit into what your five senses can pick up. Once you unleash your limitless mind power, you will be able to perceive events that have not yet happened as well as achieve whatever goals that you have set for yourself.

3. Visualization

Visualization is an important step to unlocking your mind power. Experts in mind power will tell you that in order to make your dreams come true, you will have to convince your subconscious mind power that you are fully capable of achieving the goals that you have set for yourself. The best way to do so is none other than to visualize your dreams everyday so that your subconscious mind believes that it has already happened and with your focused mind, you will be able to easily achieve your dreams. Visualization may not be easy at the beginning but with much practices, you will be able to do it well.

4. Self Discipline

If you have decided on using your power of mind to achieve your goals, you need to be prepared to exercise lots of self discipline during your path to success. Not only do you need to be disciplined enough to carry through with your action plan, you must also be disciplined enough to practise your visualization exercises daily, preferably at the start of the day, as well as to prevent yourself from thinking negatively. Be prepared that it is going to take time before you are successful in unleashing your mind power but it will happen so you must have self discipline in order not to give up along the way.

5. Learning From A Mentor

When you are learning to unleash your mind power, you have a choice of either engaging the help of a personal coach or read up self improvement books to learn from what these experts have to say. Getting the help of a personal coach will cost you a bomb but if you can afford it, by all means engage the help of one. On the other hand, if you intend to learn from books on your own, it is not difficult but you will have to really pay attention to what the experts have to say. Experts such as Brian Tracy have a lot of tips to teach you so once you have found a professional whom you can trust, you must get ready to listen hard and take action on what you have learnt.

Learning to unleash your mind power so as to be successful in achieving goals that you have set is not difficult as I have shown you above. However, you must be prepared to take action because it is useless to simply read and absorb the information without taking steps in making your mind power work for you.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Monday, 5 December 2011

How Does Positive Thinking Affect The Law Of Attraction?

Because our thought process is constantly working, the Law of Attraction is constantly working as well. Many of our thoughts are at the unconscious level, so we’re not always aware of what type of energy those thoughts may be creating. However, you can be very sure that those thoughts that you harbor deep in your will attract some kind of energy, be it good or bad.

By that, I mean all your positive thoughts will attract positive energy and similarly, your negative thoughts will also attract negative energy. So, if you are spending half an hour each day or a few hours each day focusing your thoughts on the positive and telling your subconscious mind that you are deserving of your goals, but on the other hand, you spend the rest of the time having doubts about your goals and the power of the Law of Attraction, the results will still be negative. Thus, you have to be careful not to sabotage your own efforts.

According to the Law of Attraction, if you want something badly enough and you truly believe it’s possible for you to have it, you’ll probably get it. But the same is true for negative thoughts.

If you spend a lot of time thinking on the things you don’t want or which you fear, and you believe it’s possible for you to experience them, it’s just as likely they’ll come your way. You can’t avoid unpleasant things by hoping they don’t happen.

Your unconscious is literal and produces negative energy the same as it does positive energy. It doesn’t know the difference. Your unconscious mind doesn’t understand “I don’t want”.

To truly achieve the positive benefits of the Law of Attraction, you have to become aware of what you’re focusing your attention on. You have to be the master of your mind if you want to tap on its power.

Are you focusing on what you want? Or don’t want? Do you have thoughts or beliefs that are contrary to what you want? If you truly want something, but feel you don’t really deserve it, those thoughts will be translated into energy, and the Universe will “feel” that you don’t deserve it.

Becoming aware of what you’re spending your energy on, enables you to change it. Therefore, in order for the Law of Attraction to work for, you have to first allow yourself to focus all your thoughts on the things you really want. Make full use of your mind power to achieve your goals in life. When done correctly, you will soon find that it is really a very simple process.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Friday, 18 November 2011

Does Positive Thinking Really Help You To Succeed In Life?

This might not be the first time you hear about the power of using positive thinking to successfully achieve your goals but are things really that simple? It is really hard to believe that just by thinking positively; you will be able to gain success. You are right because things are really not that simple. There are much more to achieving success in life but to focus on just positive thoughts is really the start to seeing your success.

Believe it or not, your life is greatly influenced by your thoughts. How you perceive yourself will determine how successful you are, even in terms of succeeding in business. Making an attempt to change your thoughts is definitely not going to be an easy task but if you want to make your dreams come true, you will have to start controlling your thoughts.

Does the way you think really affect the way you approach life and your business? Just how true is this? Well, scientists have recently discovered that there is a special relationship between how your mind works and what kind of results you get ultimately.

When you harbor positive thoughts, you are likely to approach life and business with more optimism. You will believe that success is yours someday and will be more willing to take on challenges in life. Positive thinking will help you to eliminate any self limiting beliefs and you will overcome obstacles easily. These are the people who are not afraid to try new things and gain more success in life.

Now that you know of the importance of positive thinking, your next step would be to control your mind such that only positive thoughts are allowed to enter and remain in you mind. However, this monitoring of your thoughts can be very tedious, especially for someone not used to censoring their thoughts. You can get overwhelmed by trying to evaluate every single thought that enter your mind.

The good news is, there is a simple way to doing this. You already know that harboring positive thoughts will yield positive results but you might not know that there is a bridge between these two, and that is your feelings. Feelings come about because of what you think and how you feel will usually result in how you react, which in turn leads to your results.

Therefore, one simple way to monitor your thoughts is to be more aware of your feelings. When you are feeling happy about something, it means you are thinking of the positive things and you can allow that thought to remain in your mind. On the other hand, when you are feeling bad about something, negative thoughts are present in your mind and you should eliminate them right away.

Once you have planned your goals, your thoughts will work to either bring you nearer to your achieving them or take you further away. Positive thoughts will make you feel good and are in support of your goals. Similarly, should you start to feel depressed or discouraged, you will have to steer yourself away from those bad feelings and find a way to lift your spirits again, for instance read a story about a successful person. Only then will you be able to turn your thoughts back to more positive ones and start to regain your momentum to working towards your goals again.

Positive thinking will help you to succeed in life but no one says that it is going to be an easy process. However, keep in mind that each time you overcome a negative experience, you are really gaining in confidence and you will be more ready to tackle the next obstacle that comes along. Over time, you will be able to achieve your dreams. That is how wonderful our power of mind is!

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Power Of Mind Tips – Asking Questions When In Doubt!

You may be surprised by this article but asking questions when you are in doubt is really a very effective power of mind tips because this step will help you to find out answers to a lot of unknowns. It will also help you to clarify your mind and help you achieve your goals.

In our society, there is a lot of discussion about expressing yourself. Everyone wants to get their point across, but people don’t necessarily worry about listening nearly as much. In my opinion, asking questions is every bit as important a skill as expressing your own opinions. Everyone has an opinion, but by asking the right questions you can refine yours. You can learn from the life experiences of those you come across, and improve your own body of knowledge and at the same time help you to accomplish your dreams.

Asking questions is an art form. It isn’t just a matter of asking any question that comes to mind. Everyone has had those friends who would ask stupid questions all the time, as if begging other people to think for them. Knowing what to ask and what not to ask can make the difference between a good impression and a bad impression. Whether you’re going in for an interview, meeting a neighbor, or getting together with a very close friend, you are going to be judged by what you ask as well as by what you say.

Asking open ended questions is a great way to make a good impression and show people that you really care about what they have to say. The great thing about an open ended question is that it can really keep the conversation going. It can allow the person you’re talking to, to not just fulfill your query for knowledge, but to expand on it and perhaps teach you something you didn’t know before.

One of the most important things to remember about asking questions is that it is a way of showing your conversational partner that you’re paying attention. Try to ask a question about his or her area of expertise or something that interests him or her. Some people just love to talk about their favorite hobbies, work, or even past relationships. The important thing is to know who you’re dealing with and what some of his or her preferred topics are. Then, ask questions to get your friend going. You will be surprised by what information or tips you may pick up from the conversation!

Of course, just because you are asking questions doesn’t mean you will get answers that are meaningful. One of the things that people like me who like to hear other people’s opinions forget is that not every opinion is necessarily an informed one. If you need good information, ask an expert questions. There is enough noise going around nowadays that you don’t need to add to it by spreading someone’s uninformed opinion as if it were God’s own truth.

Asking an expert questions is like getting a shortcut to your success because you can find out what he or she has done to achieve success and from their experience, you can plan and take action to see your own success. However, the only problem you might face is that your questions might get ignored by the expert! But I suppose the benefits you will receive when your questions get answered outweigh the rejection you may face, so it is definitely worth a try! What do you think?

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Achieving Your Goals In 3 Easy Steps

A lot of people today tend to be quite zealous at the beginning of a new year and you will probably see everyone clamoring to set their desired goals. Almost everyone will probably be thinking about the aspirations they wish to obtain in the coming year. Even so, after some months or 6 months after, exactly how many people seriously keep to the ambitions they have planned to accomplish in the beginning of the year? How many men and women actually succeeded in accomplishing the wishes they have been so ecstatic over before?

The magic formula is in the basics of goals setting. Yes, you may possibly be stunned to take note of this but it really does make a difference precisely how you set your ambitions. In the subsequent paragraphs, you will certainly learn about three quick tips to correctly set your goals with the intention that you can certainly see your ambitions coming true gradually.

1. Set your short and long term goals

Setting goals just for next month or this year is not enough. Those are short term goals and it is vital to see the big picture if you want to succeed in life. Therefore, it is very important that you have your long term goals in place as well and these are what you can monitor your progress against.

2. Set smaller goal-oriented tasks

After setting your long term and short term goals, what you will need to do now is to check that your goals are in smaller chunks of daily or weekly tasks so that you do not get overwhelmed by the sight of them. List down under your goals what you need to do each day or week in order to achieve your dreams. You should ensure that your goals are broken down into small chunks of easily completed tasks so that you will not try to put off doing them.

3. Set weekly and daily goals

You can ensure that your list of daily and weekly tasks are manageable by writing down a list in smaller chunks. As you complete each week’s or day’s goals, you will feel that you are moving nearer and nearer to your ultimate goals and that will be a great boost to your self esteem.

By reading and learning all about the 3 basic steps to goal setting is not going to get you anywhere. Without taking actions and applying them in your daily life, you are still not going to achieve your dreams eventually. Begin taking action right now and you are on the correct path to a brighter tomorrow!

To help you uncover much more in relation to how you can efficiently and also quickly realize your desired goals, check out achieving your goals today! It is all within your power of mind, so you can achieve it if you want it badly enough!

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Friday, 11 November 2011

How Does Positive Thinking Affect The Law Of Attraction?

Because our thought process is constantly working, the Law of Attraction is constantly working as well. Many of our thoughts are at the unconscious level, so we’re not always aware of what type of energy those thoughts may be creating. However, you can be very sure that those thoughts that you harbor deep in your will attract some kind of energy, be it good or bad.

By that, I mean all your positive thoughts will attract positive energy and similarly, your negative thoughts will also attract negative energy. So, if you are spending half an hour each day or a few hours each day focusing your thoughts on the positive and telling your subconscious mind that you are deserving of your goals, but on the other hand, you spend the rest of the time having doubts about your goals and the power of the Law of Attraction, the results will still be negative. Thus, you have to be careful not to sabotage your own efforts.

According to the Law of Attraction, if you want something badly enough and you truly believe it’s possible for you to have it, you’ll probably get it. But the same is true for negative thoughts.

If you spend a lot of time thinking on the things you don’t want or which you fear, and you believe it’s possible for you to experience them, it’s just as likely they’ll come your way. You can’t avoid unpleasant things by hoping they don’t happen.

Your unconscious is literal and produces negative energy the same as it does positive energy. It doesn’t know the difference. Your unconscious mind doesn’t understand “I don’t want”.

To truly achieve the positive benefits of the Law of Attraction, you have to become aware of what you’re focusing your attention on. You have to be the master of your mind if you want to tap on its power.

Are you focusing on what you want? Or don’t want? Do you have thoughts or beliefs that are contrary to what you want? If you truly want something, but feel you don’t really deserve it, those thoughts will be translated into energy, and the Universe will “feel” that you don’t deserve it.

Becoming aware of what you’re spending your energy on, enables you to change it. Therefore, in order for the Law of Attraction to work for, you have to first allow yourself to focus all your thoughts on the things you really want. Make full use of your mind power to achieve your goals in life. When done correctly, you will soon find that it is really a very simple process.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Change Your Life by Thinking Positive!

A same situation is viewed differently by different people. Try finding two people with the same thought; well it is just too difficult. When two people are facing the same challenges in life, they may have different reactions. One may see the possible problems ahead and become depressed; while another person may see it as an opportunity to create a break through and become enthusiastic in solving the problems. Hence, why not change your life by thinking positive.

Walking through your life, you will definitely come across a lot of options to make and a lot of decisions to make. You may not be aware but if you are someone who is always thinking negatively, you are almost always ready to give up hope. On the other hand, if you are always optimistic, you will view life more positively and challenge each and every obstacle more enthusiastically. In the latter case, life can be more fulfilling.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

The number of people who are suffering from depression has never been higher. Modern life can be hectic and if you are not prepared for it and pessimistic about it, this disorder can be knocking on your door soon. It can affect anyone and such disorder can lead to suicide which is really uncalled for. So, isn’t it time for you to learn how to think more positively and change your life?

Almost all the people I came across who are successful think positive. Positive thinking is not only links to success in life, but studies have also shown that it can contribute to better health and longevity because you are in good control of your power of mind.

There is a story about two people, Terrence and Julius who venture into a logistic business as partners, hoping to make it successful in two years’ time. However, when the economy went south, their business was so seriously affected that they were forced to wind up their business.

Facing with such setback, Terrence, being a pessimist, took it so hard that he became depressed and he blamed everything on himself. He gave up his dream to be a successful entrepreneur readily and went back into the labor force which he hates even till today.

As compared to Terrence, Julius is a far more positive thinker. He did not view this setback as permanent and readily take it as a lesson learnt. He did not see himself as a failure as quitting has never come across his mind. Although he has to take up a job to earn his living and save for his next venture, he interpreted the setback as one valuable experience. He is an optimist who will never be knock out by obstacles and is always prepared to venture out again.

So, who do you think will ultimately stand a higher chance to succeed in life? The answer is obvious.

How you react to a situation determine how the consequences will turn out. When you see problem as it is and focus on solving it, you can solve your problem faster and more effectively. If, on the other hand, you are seeing the problem as permanent and focusing on the problem itself, it will stay with you for life.

So why bother torturing your brain cells to focus on problems in life and worry about what that has not happen? Take over the control of your mind power. Change your life by thinking positive today as you stand a higher chance to be successful in life than the pessimists who are adamant to never try again and stand a zero chance to achieve what they dream in life.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

How to Achieve Your Goals

How are you going to achieve your goals depends greatly on you. In spite of the fact that setting goals is an important step towards attaining your dreams, without the existence of actions, hard works, positive attitude from the doer, nothing can be done and no goal can be achieved. So if you have put in the effort to have your goals all written out perfectly, why not ensure you don’t miss out any other important factors to get where you long to be.

To achieve your goals, in addition to having them written out as clean as possible, make sure you have them in details so that you will know where you are heading to. So what are the other critical factors that determine your ultimate result?

1. You Need an Action Plan

You have to know how you are going to achieve what you want. For instance, if your aim is to increase your sales by 20% within 3 months, you would have to know how to get that extra 20% from. Are you planning to add on your marketing strategies? Are you going to attend more sales seminars to improve your skills? Are you going to increase your working hours and go door-to-door? All the actions are to make sure you get what you want, so even a little action a day can get you there.

2. Industrious

You may have heard someone said that to get rich, you don’t need hard work. I am going to tell you if you believe in that, you are into a lot of difficulties to hit your targets. With action plans properly laid out, you will need to put in the hard work to effectively carry out your plan. And what this means is that you may have to sacrifice something to ensure your task is completed. For instance, you may have to sacrifice a portion of your sleeping time to stay up and complete your action plan.

3. Determination

Even with the setting of goals and putting in hard work, there are times when things just don’t go your way. When such bad times hit, you must have that determination to push through all these obstacles. Remain optimistic and motivated, and with these entire positive attitudes, it can be quite difficult for you to fail.

With good action plans, hard work and determination, I am sure you can achieve your goals ultimately. The process of attaining your dreams depends a lot on you, your thinking and your attitude. In conclusion, it all bound down to your power of mind. If you want to be living your dream so much, you will definitely go all out to make it happened.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Monday, 7 November 2011

The Magnetic Power Of Your Mind

Our mind is immensely powerful. Just like a magnet attracts some and repels some objects, our minds too have similar characteristic. You can confirm this by examining the people around you. They pass through some common and some dissimilar circumstances and events. Some of these events or tasks can be completed by some of them easily and some find it extremely tough to accomplish those tasks.

Our mind is nothing but a generator of thoughts. These thoughts become magnets and send out magnetic currents. Any action or idea will be perceived by you as you see and think about it. The more optimistic you are, the event becomes good for you. On the contrary if you develop a negative attitude, you are sure to attract negative things into your life.

The more you think about a certain issue, the higher are the chances that they will get attracted into your life. Having said that, it does not mean that all you think will become real. Thoughts need a particular strength to materialize. Weak magnets do not attract much, and so do weak thoughts.

All of us aware about the fact the magnet can attract metals. The stronger and bigger the magnet, the bigger objects get attracted. Another characteristic typical of magnets is that while one side attracts, it can repel objects too.
Attraction, is an unbiased or neutral power. The magnet attracts everything that is iron, irrespective of whether it is useful or not. Same is the case with our mind and thoughts. Be positive and optimistic if you want good things happen in you life, and if you act otherwise you are sure to end up with a lot of negative things in your life.
Like I mentioned earlier, our brains are like magnets. If they can attract, they can repel too. Any negative thoughts like incompetence, fear, inferiority complex, self doubt will drive a lot of good things away from your life. These thoughts will be the very factors and will act as a wind that would carry good things away from your life.

You can definitely train you brain to have positive energy. Concentration, passion and belief are some of the tools you can use and apply to charge up your brain with positive thoughts and energy.
For many, powering up mind becomes a constant activity. They are not even aware that their minds are charging up. It becomes so much part of their daily routine. You just have to know the correct method and you too can empower your brain so as to change your life in a positive way.

There are many techniques you can try out to empower your mind. Visualization, passion, repeating thoughts, focusing on thoughts are some. Whatever you think, they get transmitted and may match waves transmitted by other people. This may lead to collaboration between you and people who have thoughts similar to yours. You will find numerous opportunities that come up your way. You will find such experiences very positive and will boost your confidence a lot.

Isn’t it prudent to channel your thoughts to be positive and beneficial to you. This will make positive things get attracted into your life. Believe me, you mind has a lot of untapped magnetic power which you can utilize to attract positive people, circumstances and opportunities into yourlife.

The basic rule is pretty simple. Whatever you think about with great desire and focus will invariably get attracted to you. It may something spiritual or materialistic, but it will come into your life. The power of attraction is omnipresent and applicable to all. It is one of the prime sources due to which our world exists today.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Thursday, 3 November 2011

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

When you think about the subconscious benefits of the mind, most of it becomes overlooked. Truth be told, your mind is the most powerful creation known to man. We have to remember that all our actions begin from the mind and then translate to the body. However, there are times when this reaches your conscious level.

Let's look at an example where you want to change the channel on the television. Chances are good that you have been in a place where you just picked up the remote and flipped the channel without thinking twice about it. You didn't need to worry about the particulars of the action because you were very used to it, you knew what to expect and the action has become subconscious.

Before we get deep into this conversation, it's important to understand how an action occurs. Normally you might be sitting in front of the TV and want to change the channel. The conscious mind will tell you to pick up your remote and press the appropriate button. However, there are times when you see maybe a commercial you don't like and automatically change it without even giving it a second thought. This occurs because you've trained your subconscious to change the channel when that particular commercial is on.

It is only through utilization of their full potential that people learn to let go of the material wants and needs of the world and focus on their true potential as human beings. Don't be afraid of the subconscious mind; it's a reservoir of untapped potential. Thinking it only contains negative outcomes is an example of negativity breeding negativity.

However, that same concept can be run in reverse. Thinking of the positive outcomes of an action can make them come closer to their realization. This need not be complicated, it's not rocket science. It's using what's called the Law of Attraction to bring positive outcomes to your life. It's a simple process and anyone can do it.

When you are looking into how to harness the power of your subconscious mind, you'll discover that one great tool to use is affirmation. Through affirmation, you are going to remind yourself of positive things to achieve your goals.

Maybe it's not even you that is suffering from this problem. It could be your best friend, a spouse, or even your kids. An easy example to understand is when you have to cut your grass. The positive person realizes that once they are finished they don't have to do it for another week or so. The pessimist starts thinking about how long it's going to take and what else they could be doing. It's a normal stress response that takes the energy right out of you, which is why this is a crucial step to your success.

As with anything else in life, the key is to focus on the benefits. While it may seem selfish in some ways, you should use this to focus on what's good for you. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're a work in progress and note the improvements you've made, and focus on the improvements and goals you want to achieve. This will cause your task to resolve itself with the minimum interruptions and distractions.

With affirmations, you can do things like quit smoking or drinking or even overeating. With constant repetition of your affirmation, you can tap into your subconscious mind and get the response and the level of commitment that you need to move forward; this can really change your behavior for the better!

Other ways to tap into the power of your subconscious mind include hypnosis and post hypnotic suggestions. More than the scenario of the Manchurian Candidate, hypnosis is a way to program your subconscious to do things for you. Consult with a hypnotherapist to see if this is the right avenue for you to use.

You may also want to look into a brand new process know as binaural beats or brainwave synchronization, which will let you listen to special sound frequencies using headphones. Because the two sounds that you are hearing are different, it forces the two hemispheres of your brain to synchronize. This in turn will put you into a deep meditative state that lets your conscious self get in touch with your subconscious mind.

One of the more outlandish claims is that the subconscious mind allows us to manipulate matter on the subatomic level, by using what quantum physics calls the Observer Effect. This is also the secret behind transistors, and electron tunneling. It's more than just electronics, it's also The Secret, as covered by the movie of the same name.

Some are taking advances in quantum physics and correlating them to the teachings of ancient religions, and finding that they match up very well. We live in a world that gets stranger the more we look into it, and not all sources of wisdom wear robes or lab coats. .

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Understanding And Changing Your Attitude Toward Wealth

The first step to make wealth flow into your life is to change your thoughts and attitude toward it. The mind has to be cleared from its wrong concepts about wealth, before it can start to manifest. This is done by bringing to consciousness all of your thoughts and ideas about wealth, money and prosperity.

Take a pen and a sheet of paper, and find a place to be alone and undisturbed for a while. Think about wealth and what it means to you, and then jot down any thought that comes into your mind. Write down every thought, good and bad, positive and negative. Do this for at least ten minutes or until you do not find more ideas and thoughts.

After you finish writing, read, think, and analyze what you have written. You will be surprised at the stuff that comes out of your mind. This analysis will help you to find out where and why you are inhibiting yourself in regard to success, money, and prosperity. You will find out what thoughts and wrong concepts have been holding you back.

You will discover the fears that have been holding you from success, and from manifesting any degree of riches in your life. There might be various reasons to account for that. You may have been educated to regard wealth as bad and corrupting. You may have experienced lack in your childhood, and now you are locked into the belief that it is not possible to improve your life or that you do not deserve to possess money.

It might be that you shun the responsibility and the work that wealth might entail. Maybe you are afraid that you would not be able to handle wealth or that you will not know what to do with it. These reasons or any others might be responsible not experiencing prosperity and wealth. The inner inhibitions are mostly due to former mental programming, making you feel and believe that you are not worthy, do not deserve success or that wealth and money should be avoided.

If you perform this analysis sincerely, you will find out what thoughts and attitudes hinder your way to success, and it will be clearer to you what you should do. Now that they are out, it will be easier to handle these inhibitions, free yourself from their grip, and to start attracting wealth into your life. If one session is not enough, keep writing down your thoughts, and think about them every day until feel you have discovered what is holding you back.

After this analysis you will find it easier to start changing your thoughts and attitude towards money, possessions and wealth. You will find it easier, and experience less inner resistance when you visualize what you want to get or accomplish. It will take less effort to refuse negative or contradictory thoughts from entering your mind. Persistence in your efforts of holding an image of success in your mind until you realize your desire, and at the same time keeping an open mind for opportunities will lead you to do the right thing at the right time, and attract the right people at the right time.

An intense and concentrated thought possesses a vast power. All wealthy people focus their energies in a positive and powerful manner on what they desire to achieve. Some of them understand and practice consciously the laws of success, while others do so unconsciously.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

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Monday, 31 October 2011

The Power of Imagination

Imagination is the ability to form a mental image of something that is not perceived through the senses. It is the ability of the mind to build mental scenes, objects or events that do not exist, are not present or have happened in the past. Memory is actually a manifestation of imagination. Everyone possesses some imagination ability. In some it may be highly developed and in others it may manifest in a weaker form. It manifests in various degrees in various people.

Imagination makes it possible to experience a whole world inside the mind. It gives the ability to look at any situation from a different point of view, and enables one to mentally explore the past and the future.

It manifests in various forms, one of which is daydreaming. Though too much idle daydreaming may make one impractical, some daydreaming, when not being engaged in something that requires attention provides some temporary happiness, calmness and relief from stress.

In your imagination you can travel anywhere in the speed of light without any obstacles. It can make you feel free, though temporarily, and only in the mind, from tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circumstances.

Imagination is not limited only to seeing pictures in the mind. It includes all the five senses and the feelings. One can imagine a sound, taste, smell, a physical sensation or a feeling or emotion. For some people it is easier to see mental pictures, others find it easier to imagine a feeling, and some are more comfortable imagining the sensation of one of the five senses. Training of the imagination gives the ability to combine all the senses.

A developed and strong imagination does not make you a daydreamer and impractical. On the contrary, it strengthens your creative abilities, and is a great tool for recreating and remodeling your world and life.

This is a great power that can change your whole life. It is used extensively in magick, creative visualization and affirmations. It is the creator of circumstances and events. When you know how to work with it, you can make your hearts' desires come true.

Imagination has a great role and value in each one's life. It is much more than just idle daydreaming. We all use it, whether consciously or unconsciously, in most of our daily affairs. We use our imagination whenever we plan a party, a trip, our work or a meeting. We use it when we describe an event, explain how to arrive to a certain street, write, tell a story or cook a cake.

Imagination is a creative power that is necessary for inventing an instrument, designing a dress or a building, painting a picture or writing a book. The creative power of imagination has an important role in the achievement of success in any field. What we imagine with faith and feelings comes into being. It is the power beyond creative visualization, positive thinking and affirmations.

Visualizing an object or a situation, and repeating often this mental image, attracts the object or situation into our lives. This opens for us new, vast and fascinating opportunities.

This means that we should think only in a positive manner about our desires, otherwise we may create and attract into our lives events, situations and people that we don't really want. This is actually what most of us do, because we don't use the power of imagination correctly.

If you do not recognize the importance of the power of the imagination, and let it run riot, your life may not be as happy and successful as you would have wanted it to be.

Lack of understanding of the power of the imagination is responsible for the suffering, incompetence, difficulties, failures and unhappiness people experience. For some reason, most people are inclined to think in a negative way. They do not expect success. They expect the worst, and when they fail, they believe that fate is against them. This attitude can be changed, and then life will improve accordingly.

Understanding how to use your imagination correctly, and putting this knowledge into practice, for your own and others' benefit, will put you on the golden path to success, satisfaction and happiness.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Using positive affirmations to achieve success

Everyone talks about the power of positive thinking, but many people do not realize just how important a positive attitude is to professional success. We all recognize the importance of positive affirmations to personal growth and healthy relationships, but many people do not understand that the power of those positive affirmations extends far beyond one’s personal life into his or her professional life as well.

Whether you are in business for yourself or working for someone else, having a positive attitude can be a real boon to your long-term success. If you are one of those people moving through life always concerned that the worse will happen, chances are you will be right, and bad things will continue to happen to you. Until you turn your attitude around, using a combination of positive affirmations and other psychological and personal coaching techniques, you will be held back from the success that you deserve.

You have probably noticed a common element in those who are most successful, in business and in life. These achievers and successful people tend to be enthusiastic and eager, in all aspects of their lives. This enthusiasm is infectious, and it tends to rub off on all those people with whom the successful person has contact. A positive attitude, and the ability to turn that attitude into results is essential to motivating employees to do better, getting the best from suppliers, and working with peers, both in business and personally.

As you can see, a positive attitude is a valuable asset, no matter what your place in the working world. This means that you should get into the habit of doing regular positive affirmations. Making positive affirmations a habit is a great way to change your world view and help yourself be more successful.

It is never too early to start this cycle of positive affirmations, and even those in entry level jobs can benefit from a positive attitude. Even if your job seems insignificant and meaningless, it is important to display a positive attitude, and not let negativity creep in to steal your enthusiasm. Remember that some of the most successful CEO’s and business owners started at the bottom and worked their way up. It real is possible to work your way up from the mailroom to the corner office, but without positive affirmations and a winning attitude, this move will not be possible.

Regular positive affirmations are even more important for those people running their own businesses. Running a business is never easy, but it is important to remember that those around you, from employees to suppliers to competitors, pick up on your attitude, and use at as a cue. If you are constantly complaining about the business and its lack of growth, your employees will be less than inspired. If, on the other hand, you are constantly providing positive affirmations to your employees, even in the toughest of times, they will see your enthusiasm, learn from it, and use it as a cue to work harder and help the business grow and prosper. It really does all boil down to attitude; a positive attitude and positive affirmations can help your business in ways too numerous to mention.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley
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Saturday, 22 October 2011

The Power of The Spirit

The spirit accesses the divine – whether you believe in God, a higher form of collective consciousness, or simply a universal awareness, you can access it through your spirit.

Many people have experienced angelic healing and the healing touch of ancestors and kind spirits – of course, these people have deeply held beliefs that this type of healing works – which is just one more reason believing can help us get outside ourselves and access a deeper reality.

Using the Mind and Spirit For Optimal Healthpower of subconscious mind

Many world class athletes and musicians, as well as actors and other professionals, who have a tough job to do, perform their routines inside their minds. They go through each and every step of their performances and they envision themselves executing each minuscule motion perfectly.

You can do the same thing! If you need to lose a few pounds, for example, you can practice your daily routine in your mind before you set out to face the day and the temptations that surely lie ahead.

Focus your awareness on your body. Picture your body as perfect, and be grateful for your health.

Focus your awareness on your mind and your willpower. Imagine yourself making the healthiest choices, and imagine yourself feeling excited about your daily walk or your daily trip to the gym. Feel good as you do this. Feel the sense of accomplishment that comes each time you make a healthy food choice, and feel the endorphins enter your bloodstream as you finish your workout.

Focus your awareness on the cells in your body. See fat cells shrinking, and muscle cells growing. Picture the way your body looks when it is healthy, and feel the way your heart beats powerfully as you work toward optimal health.

Focus your awareness on your next doctor’s visit. Picture the scale, and read the perfect weight to yourself as you do this. See your doctor congratulating you for your achievement, and imagine celebrating your weight loss in a healthy way.

You can use a process like this to address any problem you have in your body. You can make yourself a better athlete, or work toward healing chronic pain. You can prevent illness, and you can work toward optimal health.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley