Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Everything To Help You To Understand Power Of Mind

Our mind is a powerhouse and the immense power stored inside it is unimaginable. The slogan “The mind is a terrible thing to waste” became popular almost thirty years back and mainly tried to hit at drug abuse among the teens. However in today’s world the slogan has whole new meaning.

Your mind is the most powerful tool you have to create the life you want. The power of mind is everything!

The subconscious mind has unbelievable power hidden within it. If you’ve had the opportunity to watch, ‘The Secret’ you realized the potential and possibly used it to your advantage. This uses the idea of the ‘power of mind’.

The idea is that when you focus your mind on something, it attracts it to you. You don’t even have to be expending mental energy on this goal consciously in order for this effect to work; the power of mind works anyway!

Proof of this can be seen in scientific studies everywhere, in the medical world it is known as the Placebo Effect. There is an old adage that even evokes the sentiments, ‘Mind over matter.’ That means that if you don’t mind it doesn’t matter, and if you do mind then it will matter.

It really is true that people can ‘think’ themselves better. Conversely they can ‘think’ themselves ill.

All of us have experienced something like this in our own lives. We all have those days where we wake up thinking that this is going to be a bad day – and in fact, these days usually are. This is the power of the mind at work.

This was no coincidence. Coincidences don’t just happen – they are made to happen by your subconscious mind.

What you will find is that it all revolves around quantum physics. This teaches us that you can create energy around you for anything. Even if we take it a little further, the way it works is your mind creates reality. So if you believe you’re going to get in a car accident, and you keep telling yourself you will, then it’s going to happen. However, we want you to train your mind to work towards the positive things in life.

There are scientists who are of the opinion that some of the things generally regarded as being supernatural phenomena such as ESP, remote viewing and astral projection may be explainable through science, although the way that they work is not yet entirely understood.

In short – everything we see, hear and feel is merely a creation of our thoughts! Nothing is solid; it is all energy and this energy has been created by the power of our minds.

The Law of Attraction works whether you want it to or not. So focus on using it to change your life for the better. That means thinking carefully about your attitudes, planning ahead, and otherwise living a life of contemplation and consequence.

We’re going to take a closer look at what that entails.

One important thing to keep in mind is that it is far easier to focus your mind to achieve a specific goal rather than a general one.

Most importantly that direction needs to be constant, not occasional. This is difficult when you consider the fact that in any given amount of time you have 30 different thoughts racing through your head.

There are certain individuals who have learnt to control and harness their mind power to great extent. They remain completely focused on the goal they want to achieve in life and hence are able to shape their life in a better way.

They focus on specific objectives and put all of their efforts towards their objective, using the full power of the mind. This is what makes it happen; it’s more difficult than it sounds on paper, but it’s something that all of us can achieve if we put our minds to it.

Visualize changing your life. Decide what you want. Say for example you want your dream home. Now all of your thoughts, feelings and actions need to be directed towards that end. Even imagine yourself in that house painting and decorating it or landscaping the gardens.

Everything you do has to do with getting that house. It could be improving your performance at work, clocking the commute from that new house to your job, looking at paint at the local Home Depot, reading up on how to get a good mortgage. You might even start buying a few small things for that new house.

And one fine day we will find out that dream house we always wanted is up for sell. The preparations that we have made and all the energies that we gave will now be put to good use. Thus we confirm the deal of buying the house and thus our goal becomes a reality.

This is something you can do; something everyone can do. Believe in the power of your mind and you can achieve anything – set your mind on a small goal and work your way up to bigger and better things as you go.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at: http://www.urlifeurchoice.com/boost_form.html

Wilfred Stanley

View profile: Wilfred Stanley

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