Monday 9 January 2012

Change Your Life by Thinking Positive!

A same situation is viewed differently by different people. Try finding two people with the same thought; well it is just too difficult. When two people are facing the same challenges in life, they may have different reactions. One may see the possible problems ahead and become depressed; while another person may see it as an opportunity to create a break through and become enthusiastic in solving the problems. Hence, why not change your life by thinking positive.

Walking through your life, you will definitely come across a lot of options to make and a lot of decisions to make. You may not be aware but if you are someone who is always thinking negatively, you are almost always ready to give up hope. On the other hand, if you are always optimistic, you will view life more positively and challenge each and every obstacle more enthusiastically. In the latter case, life can be more fulfilling.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

The number of people who are suffering from depression has never been higher. Modern life can be hectic and if you are not prepared for it and pessimistic about it, this disorder can be knocking on your door soon. It can affect anyone and such disorder can lead to suicide which is really uncalled for. So, isn’t it time for you to learn how to think more positively and change your life?

Almost all the people I came across who are successful think positive. Positive thinking is not only links to success in life, but studies have also shown that it can contribute to better health and longevity because you are in good control of your power of mind.

There is a story about two people, Terrence and Julius who venture into a logistic business as partners, hoping to make it successful in two years’ time. However, when the economy went south, their business was so seriously affected that they were forced to wind up their business.

Facing with such setback, Terrence, being a pessimist, took it so hard that he became depressed and he blamed everything on himself. He gave up his dream to be a successful entrepreneur readily and went back into the labor force which he hates even till today.

As compared to Terrence, Julius is a far more positive thinker. He did not view this setback as permanent and readily take it as a lesson learnt. He did not see himself as a failure as quitting has never come across his mind. Although he has to take up a job to earn his living and save for his next venture, he interpreted the setback as one valuable experience. He is an optimist who will never be knock out by obstacles and is always prepared to venture out again.

So, who do you think will ultimately stand a higher chance to succeed in life? The answer is obvious.

How you react to a situation determine how the consequences will turn out. When you see problem as it is and focus on solving it, you can solve your problem faster and more effectively. If, on the other hand, you are seeing the problem as permanent and focusing on the problem itself, it will stay with you for life.

So why bother torturing your brain cells to focus on problems in life and worry about what that has not happen? Take over the control of your mind power. Change your life by thinking positive today as you stand a higher chance to be successful in life than the pessimists who are adamant to never try again and stand a zero chance to achieve what they dream in life.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

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