Wednesday 18 January 2012

Self Improvement: Are You Married To Your Goals?

If your dream is to be successful in life, you are not alone. Many people have dreams and want to achieve their dreams one day. They work at fulfilling their dreams and bought numerous self improvement books to help them succeed in life. However, not many of them really make it through and even fewer are able to maintain their successes. Are we all missing out on some vital links that can connect us to success or have we been left out of some top secrets?

The truth is, there really isn’t any secret to attaining success in life. The one vital point that prevented many of us from attaining success is setting goals and staying committed to our goals! If you are not married to your goals, you will not stick with it long enough to see the end results. This is when you need to make full use of your power of mind in order to achieve success!

It is not enough to simply set your goals and leave them there. You have to love your goals and stay committed to them, much like how you would love and stick with your spouse once both of them got married. Without sticking to your goals, you will not be able to stay focus and will only end up jumping from one project to the next without waiting for the first one to complete.

As such, you will remain unsuccessful and lots of incomplete projects! Any self improvement experts will tell you that loving your goals will keep you motivated and committed so it will keep you going but your goals must also not be so small that you do not see the point in accomplishing them. Set goals that are big so that you will want to enjoy your dreams at the end of it.

Do not be afraid to set goals that may seem too big for you to achieve them. As long as it is what you want to get out of life, go for it. However, be persistent in striving towards what you want regardless of how difficult it may seem at the beginning. Condition your mind into believing that you can achieve your goals and you will soon get used to working on the actions you have planned. There are in fact many who have given up even before they get started, so you need a lot of self discipline to see you through.

You will not give up on your partner before you even married him but he must definitely be someone worth marrying in the first place. Similarly, set goals that you feel are worthwhile achieving, otherwise you will tend to give up along the way. You must ensure that your goals include all things that you really want in life so you will be proud of attaining them when you are really successful.

Having said that, you must also take into considerations the achievability of your goals. Do not set goals that you know will be impossible to achieve unless you strike lottery! By that, I am referring to setting goals to achieve a million dollars in a month or less. You know that sort of goals are almost impossible to achieve and your mind will not work towards getting that. Instead, you should set long term goals for yourself.

Write down on paper what you want to achieve in the future, say 5 years. Then go on to set goals on what you want to achieve in the short term, for example, 3 years, 1 year, 6 months and then 1 month. Setting short term goals are just as vital because that will take you a step closer to attaining long term goals.

Once you have your goals in place, the next important thing to do is to work at achieving these goals. Remember, in order to be successful at self improvement, you must be committed to working hard to achieve your goals. Follow the above mentioned tips and success will be yours very soon.

About the Author

Wilfred Stanley has been studying brainpower enhancement, creative problem solving, Mind Power and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and listen free Mind Power Subliminal Audio , at:

Wilfred Stanley

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